Distortion Records
Distortion Records
news store (catalog) order
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #
Nov, 28 2015



bold= found


You can browse through the catalog by clicking the letters of the alfabet above, or by using the search box. You can search on artist, title or label. The checkboxes can be used in combination, this will function as a logical 'or'. So when searching the letter 'a' on title and artist, this will return all the artists starting with 'a' as well as all the items that have a title starting with 'a'.

If there's anything you can't find, feel free to send an e-mail with your want list. We might be able to order it or to find it somewhere on our treasure island, upstairs in the store neither online nor accesible for customers.

If you want you can download the catalog for your offline reading pleasure, here's the text file (1.5Mb, 28k8 ~4 min.) zip file (.5Mb, 28k8 ~2 min.) Press the right mouse button on the link to save as on your computer.

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